Three weeks ago Annalise and I downed an entire bottle of homeopathic Belladonna and Arsenic as part of a nationwide stunt to expose homeopathy for the quackery that it is. Today two things happened - coincidence? I think not.
- Firstly, the House of Commons select committee on science and technology released their report into Homeopathy and it was scathing. They advised on the closing of homeopathy hospitals and against the funding for any more more research into homeopathy.
- Secondly the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB) issued guidance that there is "no scientific or pharmacological basis for homeopathy".
I believe most users of homeopathy users its practioners mean well and many sincerely believe that homeopathy has worked for them but we humans are deluded creatures and see cause and effect when there are none. This is where science and random, controlled trials are used to measure objectively the efficacy of treatments.
There are also those who advocate homeopathy for the treatment of AIDS, malaria, cancer and other serious conditions - these people are at best naive and at worst evil.
Today was a small victory for science against 18th century superstition but it could be made all the sweeter if only the accusations of being in the pay of "Big Pharma" were true - I could do with the money.
The full report can be read here