Thursday, June 21, 2007

Self mutilation

This is a follow up to My Computer is Crippling me and the recent Wii injury.

Today I had my first appointment with "my physio". I've never been able to say that before. "My dentist", "my solicitor", "my hair dresser", "my broker", "my gynae". Well one out of five is a start.

I have Repetitive Stress Injury, RSI in my right arm. A result of years of computer use and bad posture.

The cure apparently involves
  • 90 degree angles between every body part and every other body part
  • Frequent breaks, perhaps I should take up smoking.
  • Raising my desk
  • Raising my chair
  • Moving one of my two LCD screens to the right
  • Avoiding chicken wing arm movements while driving, sitting and riding the bike (pretty much any time I am NOT impersonating a chicken).
  • Oh and if this wasn't enough I should mouse with the left hand and not the right.
  • Notebook computers are bad
  • Numeric key pads are bad (they make the keyboard wider)
Lastly it would be better if I could get a job without any repetitive movement - I'm thinking professional fighter - never hear them complaining about RSI. If you hear of any left hand only fights, nothing very violent or involving chickens, please put in a word for me.

I have a follow up appoinntment next week - I do so want to impress ....


  1. So can you get desktop keyboards without a keypad? I suppose this is one case where left-handed people actually get a better deal on the health and safety side.

  2. Yeah - the other "advantage" left handed people have is that they have a greater chance of dying in a war or being killed using dangerous equipment.

    Many of them don't have to worry about RSI.
