Wednesday, August 22, 2007

5 Billion Slugs

The UK has 5 Billion slugs.

They are on our driveway and they eat our vegetables. Someone described how to get rid of them you need to get up at night, take a touch into the veggie-patch and pick them all up.

There are then two methods of killing them
  • Feed them to the chickens
  • Cut them in half with a pair of scissors
Seems hopeless 5 billion slugs, snip, 4999 999 999 more, snip, 4999 999 998 .....

Why has evolution not created slug-eaters - mutant cannibalistic slugs that feast on vegetarian slugs ?

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should buy a couple of hens. They could gobble up the slugs and the kids could skip around the garden collecting eggs every morning.
